Francesco Paolo LoVecchio.
World class singer Frankie Laine died today at 93.
Who can forget Mr. Laine’s dulcet theme from Rawhide (1959-66) — or the homage to it in The Blues Brothers (1980)? Blawgletter can’t. So — intending no disrespect — we wrote alternative lyrics for a gathering of general counsel, calling the result Troll Ride:
Trollin’, trollin’, trollin’
He’s gone patent trollin’
To get those royalties flowin’
Chips and phones and software
What the heck does he care?
As long as he gets the patents cheap.
Inventors do inventin’
Sellers do the sellin’
He trolls for patents on IP.
File a case, sue ‘em good
Sue ‘em good, file a case
File a case, sue ‘em good
Cut ‘em out, settle quick
Settle quick, cut ‘em out
Cut ‘em out, settle quick
He’ll keep suin’, suin’, suin’
But offer a license to ’em
Get those royalties sluicin’
Don’t try to understand it
Don’t seek to comprehend it
You’ll end up in psychotherapy.
His investors want their money
To them it tastes like honey
Just pay him and he will set you free.