Blawgletter doesn’t know whether The Washington Post columnist Dan Froomkin leans left or right, but we’d guess from today’s piece that he won’t likely get (or accept) a delegate’s slot at the Republican Party National Convention in Minnesota next year.
Mr. Froomkin entitles his November 16 offering as "Bush’s Other War: on the Courts". Ouchie!
Good thing he writes well, if provocatively. His first two paragraphs say:
Long after the Iraq war is over — in other words, a long time from now — another of President Bush’s legacies will still be very much with us: the profound rightward turn of the federal judiciary in general and the Supreme Court in particular.
So last night’s 25th anniversary gala for the Federalist Society, complete with a keynote from Bush himself, was an orgy of self-celebration. Membership in (or at least affiliation with) the reactionary legal group is practically a requirement for Bush appointees to the bench or top legal jobs.
Dan, we admire your spunk. Come guest blog sometime here at Blawgletter.
Barry Barnett
Certain people in Washington, DC, read our feed — and like it.