Blawgletter hates most uses of the past participle verb form. To us, you see, the past participle almost always signals the passive voice, which we dread.
Why does past participle equal passive voice?
We’ll skip over the passive voice thing, about which we ranted last week. The truncation will allow us to focus on how people who claim to detest the passive voice deploy it all the time — in the form of past participles.
The title of this post, for example, uses the imperfect past participle form of the verb "to hate". (We hated writing it.) The use raises the "who" question that passive voice always does. We may nod in agreement that the past participle deserves "hated" status, but the title doesn’t tell us which person (or persons), exactly, hates (or hate) it. Indefiniteness like that drives us crazy.
Who cares? Perhaps you should. The occasional past participle will little mar your readers’ delight in your prose. But, unless you can spin tales like Dickens or Twain, resort to the device will try your audience’s patience. Annoying people, we think, seldom helps to persuade them.
Barry Barnett
Our feed has long loved the perfect aspect of the past participle.