The Conference hosts an e-discovery seminar March 13-14 in San Diego.
Blawgletter sees ads about e-discovery twice, thrice, and more each working day. The offers range from people who say they can teach you how to do it to folks who want to do it for you to outfits that tell horror stories about judges who got the idea you did it wrong. We ignore them. All of them.
Why? Because we know where to get cutting-edge guidance on all things e-discovery. The not-for-profit Sedona Conference publishes guidelines and best practices that you can get online for free. Just go here to download such gems as:
- The Sedona Conference Best Practices Commentary on Search & Retrieval Methods
- The Sedona Conference Commentary on Email Management
- The Sedona Conference Commentary on Legal Holds
- The Sedona Principles Governing Electronic Document Production
- Navigating the Vendor Proposal Process: Best Practices for the Selection of Electronic Discovery Vendors
The Conference has an impressive Advisory Board. It includes, by our count, 10 federal trial judges and a balance of practicing lawyers.
Discovery would go a lot more smoothly and predictably if all of us followed the Conference’s advice.
Barry Barnett