Loan contract that limited arbitration to claims under tribal law violated public policy.
Network monitor patent did more than embody abstract idea under Alice.
Researchers qualified as inventors of patents on cancer-targeting antibodies.
Fair value of firm could equal value of its stock.
FAA exempts contracts with international transport workers who don’t cross any state line.
ERISA doesn’t preempt contract claims for insurer’s breach of promise to pay out of network charges.
Making twin of U.S. pizza joint in Scotland didn’t violate U.S. copyright or trademark law.
Because my practice focuses on complex commercial disputes–especially antitrust, energy, and intellectual property–I keep daily track of important decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, the 13 U.S. Courts of Appeals, and the highest appeals courts in Delaware, New York, and Texas.
You can follow along during the week on Twitter (@contingencyblog) or here at The Contingency each Monday with this Commercial Appeals Roundup.
Check out my profile on the Susman Godfrey website.