ImageInvestors who wished for a helping hand in pursuing claims against banks that sold them exotic debt instruments instead got a kick in the pants from the Second Circuit today.

No no-admit deals

In 2011, U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff famously refused to approve a consent decree between the Securities and Exchange Commission and Citigroup. The pact

Have you heard people — okay, lawyers — talk about "the Southern District"? As if you MUST know what they mean? Surely not the Southern District of West Virginia — one of the coolest names in the entire U.S. court system.

No. Not that. This:





Where Learned Hand sat before Calvin

On Monday, the Second Circuit reversed dismissal of a securities fraud case against Smith Barney/Citigroup for misleading mutual fund investors about the true cost of "transfer agent" services, for which the mutual funds paid an outside vendor.  After a few years, the transfer agent, at SmithBarneyCitigroup's request, started rebating most of the fees to SmithBarney/Citigroup.  SmithBarney/Citigroup