About 76 years ago, President Franklin D. Roosevelt hatched a plan for bending to his will a recalcitrant and obstructive (by his lights) U.S. Supreme Court. The Court at the time consisted of seven Republican appointees and two Democratic ones.

As the Senate Committee on the Judiciary explains what happened:

To counter the impact of the Court's decisions

Scene:   Snappy dozes at her laptop. Across the table, Bitey sips from a LavAzza cup. Slurps, really. Yet it doesn't wake Snappy. So Bitey clears his throat. Snappy straightens. She yawns.

Snappy:    Curse you. Can't you see. Can't you see my slumber. Your crudeness has chased it. Caught it. Made it depart. Dang. And why

As our oil-and-gas trial prepares to drill into day eight, Blawgletter pauses to reflect on events outside DeRidder, Louisiana, the charming and friendly seat of Beauregard Parish.

The news that most caught our eye involves the case that took our breath away in law school more than any other — Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111 (1942).

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