Have you heard people — okay, lawyers — talk about "the Southern District"? As if you MUST know what they mean? Surely not the Southern District of West Virginia — one of the coolest names in the entire U.S. court system.

No. Not that. This:





Where Learned Hand sat before Calvin

An ex-judge friend of Blawgletter's said he expected lawyers to argue their clients' cases to him as hard as they could.  He had little patience with advocates who conceded points in hopes of pleasing, or placating, him.  And he told of instances where lawyers all but surrendered in the face of mild to moderate judicial

The ABA Journal this month includes a piece on the "enormous differences" in how federal judges "interpret the facts" of cases involving claims of bias on grounds of race or gender.

What accounts for the juridical variability?

The race or sex of the judge.

The ABA Journal item links to a couple of studies.