
The place of suit matters a lot in civil cases. Suing at home helps the plaintiff — by keeping her costs low, giving her comfort that local judges and juries will give her fair treatment, and throwing out-of-town defendants off balance. All of that bigly boosts the plaintiff’s chances of success.

But a trio of recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings promise to make plaintiffs’ home fields more like patches of weeds than acres of sweet verdance.
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Standing BearSnares

Patent law features so many traps that even the wary fall in one now and then. It happened again last week. This time the ruling concerned standing, an issue that goes to the power of a court to decide a case.

A narrow license

The case involved a patent on "Gelatinous Elastomer Compositions and

Last February, Blawgletter wrote about a case that struck us as taking the issue of parties' "citizenship" to a Whole New Level. We said:

The Sixth Circuit today booted a case because it couldn't tell if it belonged in federal court or not.

The lawsuit pitted a Keystone State corporation (with a Pennsylvania principal